Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I *heart* Target!

Okay, so we were on our way to dinner to celebrate my 18 year old's birthday.  (I blinked and he became 18, life is crazy like that.)  I talked my family into stopping at Target so I could run in and get some shelf paper so I could finish cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen.  They agreed, but of course no one wanted to come in with me.  So I ran in by myself.  Now it is not my fault that the Dollar Spot is right by the front door.  No sane teacher can walk by it and not stop.  So I quickly took a peek.  They had some teacher stuff out.  YAY!  Not the cool Dr. Seuss stuff other people have found but I was able to get a couple of things.  (Of course, my daughter knew exactly why I had taken so long inside the store. And announced the reason as soon as I got in the car.)

The first item I found was a Teacher Lesson Plan book.  

I'm not going to use it to write my lesson plans in, (I have my own templates that I use).  This particular Lesson Plan Book has squares on each page.  So I'm going to write one student's name in each box.  Then I'm going to use it to take notes when I conference with my students during Writer's Workshop.  After the beginning of the school year, I will let you know how it works out.

Here is what the inside looks like.

I also found name tags.  I bought several packages.  I use them as name tags at the beginning of the year.  (For some reason, it usually takes me almost a week to learn all of my kids' names. I've had younger, okay much younger, teaching partners and a student teacher last year who can learn the kids' names in a day.  I blame the fact it takes me longer on old age.)  I also use the name tags to label the students' cubbies.

One more thing about name tags.  I was blog hopping today and I found a great idea to use for name tags on the first day of school.  On the Time 4 Kindergarten blog Tiffani talked about placing the students' name tags on a pocket chart outside the door with a note telling the parents to find their child's name and put on their name tag.  That way she knows the student's name when he/she walks in the door.  I love this idea.

Well back to Target to buy another small pocket chart to put outside my door for the 1st day of school.  Maybe I will go to a different one and see if they have the Dr. Seuss things.  Stay tune for my I <3 Target! #2 blog post.


Kindertrips said...

You found some great stuff! I like your idea about the planner!

Tiffani said...

Thanks for giving me the shout-out. Love the planner idea. I think I have one from last year somewhere. I know all about Target and the Dollar SPot. Every time we go my kids say NOOOOO you don't need anything.

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