Last night, it was time for our annual Ice Cream Social / Meet the Teacher Night. It began at 6 P.M. and luckily I had everything ready by about 5:45 P.M. (After realizing that I only had 24 name tags on the tables and 25 students in my classroom. Thank goodness, I have the best classroom aide in the world. She hurried and laminated the name tag and cut it out for me.) Most of my new students visited the classroom.
Here is what my room looked like:
The right side of the classroom.
Part of my calendar wall.
The rest of my calendar wall.
My Library
The boys and girls are going to bring in pictures of their families to put on "Our Family Tree" on the first day of school. I "borrowed" this idea from another blog. But, of course, I can't remember which one. If you know please let me know so I can give the blogger credit.
I also had some goodies for them to take home.
The bookmarks came from the A Place Called Kindergarten blog.
The "Ready Confetti" came from the Sunny Days in Second Grade blog.
I hope you enjoyed visiting my classroom. Now that my room is ready, I need to finish up my lesson plans. I'm hoping to post about my lesson plans soon.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Assessments (and Mom Guilt)
This week was the first week the teachers at my school were back in their classrooms, setting them up and getting ready for the students to come on September 6th. Since, I teach kindergarten, I like to begin getting my room set up a little early and spend this week trying to assess some of my incoming students. It is much easier to do it this week, than to try to do it with a classroom full of students. My favorite was the child that I would ask if he knew the letter. He would whisper to me, "Tell me the word." I would whisper the letter to him, for example, "B". And he would say, (pretty loudly) "Oh yeah! Its "B". I knew that." He cracked me up.
I use the Houghton-Mifflin reading program and the assessment. (I only assess upper and lower case letters and concepts of print. I only expect them to maybe know a few letters from their names. But since I have students who know more, I like to do this quick assessment.) This year, I made the assessment easier for me to use. I set it up in a table form, so I have a space to check or make a note for the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter. Here is a link for the assessment:(I thought someone else might be able to use it.)
I use the Houghton-Mifflin reading program and the assessment. (I only assess upper and lower case letters and concepts of print. I only expect them to maybe know a few letters from their names. But since I have students who know more, I like to do this quick assessment.) This year, I made the assessment easier for me to use. I set it up in a table form, so I have a space to check or make a note for the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter. Here is a link for the assessment:(I thought someone else might be able to use it.)
A side note: I didn't find out my daughter made the JV volleyball team and had a tournament on Monday, until after I had scheduled 10 assessments for Monday. So I had to miss her 1st tournament. What guilt!!! To all of the other teacher moms, please know you aren't the only ones trying to juggle 2 very difficult jobs. If someone has some advice about how to do it without all of the guilt, please share.
Good Luck to everyone who is preparing their classrooms this week,
Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Beginning of the Year Freebie
I know its late and I am getting up early and going to school to assess my incoming kinders tomorrow. I'm sad that my summer is almost over, but I'm very excited that I will be meeting some of my new students and their families tomorrow.
So, I know another blogger had a worksheet on her website to have a student write his/her name and draw a picture of himself/herself. But, of course, I couldn't find it. I even used Google Reader to search "ALL" of the blogs that I follow. So, to solve the problem, I made one myself. I thought I would share it, in case someone else "lost" the same worksheet. (Note to self: I need to print these things out, or pin them, or save them to my Dropbox with a good label.)
Anyways here it is:
So, I know another blogger had a worksheet on her website to have a student write his/her name and draw a picture of himself/herself. But, of course, I couldn't find it. I even used Google Reader to search "ALL" of the blogs that I follow. So, to solve the problem, I made one myself. I thought I would share it, in case someone else "lost" the same worksheet. (Note to self: I need to print these things out, or pin them, or save them to my Dropbox with a good label.)
Anyways here it is:
I hope you can use it.
The Winner is...
Thank you for entering my giveaway for the stamp sets and inkpads. The winner is:
4 lorajoelle said...
August 18, 2011 3:02 PM 
I am following your blog!

Saturday, August 20, 2011
We Give Books
I wanted to share with you a website I found out about when I was at the IRA conference in Chicago two years ago. It is called We Give Books. It is totally FREE! You sign up for an account. Then you choose a charity. Each time you read a book online, the Penguin Group and the Pearson Foundation give a book to the charity that you chose. This is a wonderful way to introduce students to give to charity by having them choose which charity to give books to.
Since it is Back-to-School time they have several back-to-school books for you to share with your students. There is Llama,Llama Misses Mama and The Night Before First Grade. What a great way to share a book with your students in a different format! I have a big computer screen in my classroom that I use for sharing these books with my students.
Please check out the website, We Give Books.
Let me know how you like it.
Since it is Back-to-School time they have several back-to-school books for you to share with your students. There is Llama,Llama Misses Mama and The Night Before First Grade. What a great way to share a book with your students in a different format! I have a big computer screen in my classroom that I use for sharing these books with my students.
Please check out the website, We Give Books.
Let me know how you like it.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Freebies and Giveaway!!
This is another exciting day for me. Erin and Leslie at the First Grade Fanatics blog are having a 14 Days of Summer Party! They are highlighting other teachers' blogs and their freebies. Today, it is my turn. My freebies are a stamping activity for the students and an ABC'S of Kindergarten letter that I send home to parents to tell them about my classroom. You can download the letter in PDF or Word (so you can change it to fit your classroom). So link over to their blog, to get my freebies:
I am also hosting a giveaway that goes along with one of my freebies. One of my freebies is a stamping activity. The students stamp the letters that are missing from the alphabet. I made this activity to use with the small alphabet stamps I found at the Dollar Spot at Target. So my giveaway is a set of 2 small alphabet stamps and 2 ink pads. One lucky teacher will have a ready-made center for the beginning of the year.
There are 3 ways to enter:
1. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment below. (If you are already a follower, leave a comment below.)
2. Become a fan of my Facebook page and leave a comment below. (If you are already a fan, leave a comment below.)
3. Follow my TpT store and leave a comment below.
You have until Saturday at 11:59 P.M. to enter. I will pick a winner on Sunday. Good luck everyone!!!
I am also hosting a giveaway that goes along with one of my freebies. One of my freebies is a stamping activity. The students stamp the letters that are missing from the alphabet. I made this activity to use with the small alphabet stamps I found at the Dollar Spot at Target. So my giveaway is a set of 2 small alphabet stamps and 2 ink pads. One lucky teacher will have a ready-made center for the beginning of the year.
There are 3 ways to enter:
1. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment below. (If you are already a follower, leave a comment below.)
2. Become a fan of my Facebook page and leave a comment below. (If you are already a fan, leave a comment below.)
3. Follow my TpT store and leave a comment below.
You have until Saturday at 11:59 P.M. to enter. I will pick a winner on Sunday. Good luck everyone!!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
And the Winner Is....
Thank you to those of you who participated in my very 1st giveaway.
And the winner is.... #2 Tammy from Live Love Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten
Email me your address and email address and I will send you the book.
And the winner is.... #2 Tammy from Live Love Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten
Email me your address and email address and I will send you the book.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Yay!!! I'm So Excited!!!
This morning on my way home from the grocery store (not my favorite place to be), I checked my phone and found a very exciting email. I have been invited to join Kindergarten Me and My Gang group. I am so excited. This is an awesome opportunity for me as a new blogger. Please check out the blog and all of the other K bloggers.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So Many Ideas, So Little Computer Memory
I have been spending a lot of time reading other teachers' blogs this summer. I have found so many amazing ideas that I have been saving to my computer. Many teachers do post their ideas or freebies on Google Docs. Since I have a gmail account, I just save it to my Google Docs and I don't use any of my computer's memory. I'm also not worried about my computer crashing and losing my information. Other teachers post their ideas on Scripd or you have to go to their TpT store and download the ideas. I have found a wonderful way to save all of this information. It is called Dropbox. Dropbox saves my things online. I can also log in and access my items from any computer. That means I can save things to my Dropbox on my home computer and then print it out at school. If you use the following link, both you and I get extra space on Dropbox.
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out my giveaway.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
My First Giveaway
To celebrate it being the middle of the week (and my purging some of my teacher books), I have decided to have my 1st giveaway. I have a new item in my small Teachers Pay Teachers store. It is an emergent reader packet called, "I Play Sports". The packet contains a small book you can copy so each student may have an individual book and a larger book that you can print out to use in your Library or in your Big Book Center. The larger book and the packet are my giveaway. My very creative daughter (I'm partial, I know) found scrapbook paper for each of the sports, glued the book page to the scrapbook paper and added a page number at the bottom. Then, I laminated it and bound it with the plastic comb binding. We made one for my classroom and another for the giveaway.
Here are the pages of the book:
Here are the pages of the book:
Here is the finished book:
The winner of my giveaway will get the "I Play Sports" book and I will email you the packet from my TpT store.
You have until Sunday night at 11:59 P.M. (eastern time) to enter. I will post the winner on Monday.
Here's how to enter:
1. Become a follower of my blog, and leave a comment. (If you are already a follower, leave a comment)
2. Follow my TpT store, and leave a comment.
3. Blog about my giveaway and leave a link.
4. Like my Facebook page, and leave a comment.
Thank you for entering. Good luck to everyone!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
14 Days of Give Aways at First Grade Fanatics
Have you checked out the 14 day give away at First Grade Fanatics? Today's give away is some great back to school freebies. Please check it out.

Monday, August 8, 2011
It's a Bonanza of Borders
Here is a center idea that I worked on this summer. There is a teacher store that is close to my house, where they have a sale room. I’m very lucky to be so close to this sale room. However, I can never leave there without buying something, even if I am just going with one of my teacher friends and not planning on buying anything. The last time we went, they had lots of borders that were 13 cents a strip. Now who can pass up that deal??? So I of course brainstormed a little bit and then purchased about 20 of them. This is what I came up with to use at my math centers.
of the numbers in one bag.

Last, I found a Halloween border with squares. I cut these apart and laminated them. I am going to have my students make patterns with these pictures.

I hope you have found an idea that you can use here. Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
My Finds At Open Books
I am so sorry that I am late in posting about my shopping trip to Chicago last weekend. This week has been quite hectic with getting ready for "back to school" and working on things for an online textbook publisher.
I did find 4 books to add to my classroom library. Actually 3 books, I bought one for my colleague across the hall. I found" Stellaluna". I already have a copy, but its always nice to have an extra one for the students to use. I also found "Matthew's Dream" by Leo Lionni. I didn't have this book, but I thought it would be a great one to add to my collection. The 3rd book that I found was "Armadillo Rodeo" by Jan Brett. Scholastic accidentally sent me a tape for this book but I didn't have it. So now this is a book I can put in my listening center during my Jan Brett author study. The last book I bought was "The Jolly Christmas Postman". It was only $4. Even though I already own the book, I couldn't pass up the bargain. My students love it when I read it to them at Christmas time. I am going to give it to the 1st/2nd grade teacher across the hall. I thought it would be a great way for her to begin a letter writing unit.
Here is a picture of all of my books:
I did find 4 books to add to my classroom library. Actually 3 books, I bought one for my colleague across the hall. I found" Stellaluna". I already have a copy, but its always nice to have an extra one for the students to use. I also found "Matthew's Dream" by Leo Lionni. I didn't have this book, but I thought it would be a great one to add to my collection. The 3rd book that I found was "Armadillo Rodeo" by Jan Brett. Scholastic accidentally sent me a tape for this book but I didn't have it. So now this is a book I can put in my listening center during my Jan Brett author study. The last book I bought was "The Jolly Christmas Postman". It was only $4. Even though I already own the book, I couldn't pass up the bargain. My students love it when I read it to them at Christmas time. I am going to give it to the 1st/2nd grade teacher across the hall. I thought it would be a great way for her to begin a letter writing unit.
Here is a picture of all of my books:
I also went to the container store. Even though I wasn't able to find a box to use for my treasure chest, I did find another box.
Here it is:
I am hoping to use it to make a light box for my classroom. I saw a post on another blog about putting lights in a box with a clear lid. Hopefully, I can start making it this week. I will let you know how it works.
Thanks for stopping by.
Sue Lattea
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Guess what????? I am sooo excited!!!! I made my own blog button. There is a blog called Oikology 101 that had some simple directions to make your own blog button. I was able to use it to make my own button. YAY!!! Check out my button on the side of my blog and grab it if you would like to.
Here is the link for the blog that had the directions on it.
Here is the link for the blog that had the directions on it.
Thank you for letting me share my excitement with you.
Sue Lattea
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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