Saturday, June 23, 2012

One of My Favorite Websites

Hi Everyone,

I'm so sorry that it has been forever since I have posted on my blog.  The end of the school year is a SUPER busy time for me.  I planned our Kindergarten Graduation, complete with my students singing 6 songs, diplomas that I bought and printed names on using my computer and printer and a slideshow with 4 songs and approximately the same number of pictures  of each student.  (A great use for my tallying skills, as I watched the slideshow and made a tally mark next to each student's name.)  WHEW!  Thank goodness I made it to summer vacation.

I wanted to share a great website that I found a few months ago.  The name of the website is Reading Teacher.  Here is the link to the website:

I used it as an intervention for a few of my struggling students.  They loved being able to read the printable stories.  I was very surprised that the website was free.  For fear of revealing my age, the characters and stories are the same ones that I used when I learned how to read in kindergarten.  We didn't have the letter cards the website uses or of course, the online part.  Please check out the website and let me know what you think.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!


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