Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Science Lesson - Push and Pull

I just wanted to share a science lesson that began when I was reading the book, "The Wild Toboggan Ride".  It is one of my favorite winter stories to share with my kindergartners.  I think this is because they laugh when some of the toboggan riders land in the garbage can.  The more I can help my students enjoy reading the more they will love (and want) to read.

After reading the book, I was thinking that in the story, the child and her grandpa push and pull the toboggan.  What a great way to reinforce the concept of push and pull!  So I read the book to the students again.  I think they had more fun the second time I read it.  Then I had the students draw a picture of someone pushing a sled and someone pulling a sled.  Most of my students were able to label their pictures, too.  Here are some examples of their work.

I love it when I can figure out a way to combine literature and science.  I hope someone can use this idea.

Happy Middle of the Week,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Won My First Award!

Happy Weekend Everyone!

I'm so excited!  I just won my first award!  Sarah Stoll at Teachers Cannot Live by Apples Alone nominated me.  She has a wonderful blog and I'm very honored that she chose me.

Here are the rules:

1.  Thank the person who nominated you!  Thank you so much Sarah!!!

2.  Tell 7 things about yourself.

3.  Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they received the award.

Okay, here goes:

7 Things About Myself

1.  I have 2 teenagers.  (Not sure when I became old enough to be the mom to teenagers, but it happened.)

2.  My whole family contributes to my teaching.  My husband makes things for my classroom, my son helps with my blogs and graphics for my freebies and things, my daughter helps me get my classroom set up, grades papers, etc. and my sisters contribute different items for my class or come in and help out.

3.  I love teaching kindergarten and I wouldn't want to do anything else.

4.  I look organized but that's not always true.

5.  I write and edit textbooks for an online textbook company called Complete Curriculum.

6.  I'm not always very good about updating my blog.

7.  Paperwork isn't my favorite thing to do.

Fifteen blogs that I have found recently and I love:  (in no particular order)